female student discussing materials with male student

Academic Advisement


We’re here to serve the needs of students who are attending college for the first time, enrolling concurrently while attending high school or are undecided on a major.

For more information, please call 405-733-7408 or email enroll@rose.edu.

Rose State College is now offering Flex courses!  Learn more at the FAQ webpage:  Flex Course FAQs

Advisor Appointment Scheduling and Contact Information

Freshman Academic Advisors - For students with no prior college credit 

Please walk-in to Student Services Building, Room 100 for Appointment

Jeffrey Hicks jhicks@rose.edu
Candace Jones cjones@rose.edu
Suzanne Peters speters@rose.edu

Division Advisors - For students with prior college credit

Business Information Technology Division - Steve Johnson

Please email or walk-in for appointment


Engineering and Science Division - Sarah Mooney

Please email or walk-in for appointment


Health Sciences Division

Schedule an appointment here: https://go.oncehub.com/HSadvisors



Humanities Division - Chris Shaneyfelt

Please email or walk-in for appointment 


Social Sciences Division - Julia Kelly

Please email or walk-in for appointment

Concurrent and Specialized Advisement

Concurrent Enrollment - Krista Walker   


Specialized Enrollment/Reach Higher - Terrance Grayson


TAFB Educational Services - Terrance Grayson

Schedule an appointment here: https://go.oncehub.com/tgrayson 
